Essential Parkour Tips for Beginners: Five Basics You Need to Know
1. 正確的落地技巧 Proper Landing Technique
In parkour, proper landing technique is crucial. Keep your knees slightly bent and make contact with the ground softly using the balls of your feet. This reduces impact on your joints and helps prevent injuries.
2. 學會滾動 Rolling
Rolling is a vital parkour skill that effectively dissipates the impact force from falls. When you jump from a height, immediately transition into a roll to spread the force throughout your body.
3. 抓住障礙物 Grab the obstacle
Grabbing obstacles is one of the basic moves in parkour. Whether it’s a wall, rail, or other objects, learning how to securely grasp them and stabilize yourself is essential.

4. 平衡與協調 Balance and coordination
Balance and coordination are crucial in parkour. You need to constantly practice maintaining balance in narrow spaces and coordinating different movements at high speeds.
5. 持續訓練與強化體能 Physical fitness
Parkour requires strong physical fitness and endurance. Regular full-body strength training and cardio exercises will enhance your parkour abilities.

Parkour is a challenging and enjoyable sport, but it requires rigorous training and proper techniques. Hopefully, these basic tips will help you train more safely and confidently. Remember, safety first, and enjoy the process!