探索跑酷,認識教練 Sipko – 台灣的專業跑酷教練


Welcome to the World of Parkour! Are You Ready to Unlock Your Full Potential?

Flow Legends,我們很高興為您介紹 Sipko Dijkstra 教練,一位擁有超過10年跑酷、動作及運動技能訓練經驗的專業教練。Sipko 的教學理念以安全為重,並注重個人成長與自信的培養。無論您是初學者還是進階跑酷愛好者,Sipko 教練都將帶領您展開一段充滿力量的旅程,展示如何靈活、自如地移動。

At Flow Legends, we’re thrilled to introduce Coach Sipko Dijkstra, an experienced parkour coach with over 10 years of expertise in parkour, movement, and athletic skill development. Sipko’s coaching centers around safe practices, personal growth, and building confidence in every student. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an advanced parkour practitioner, Coach Sipko guides you through an empowering journey, showing you how to move with skill, agility, and freedom.

Sipko 教練





為什麼選擇 Sipko 教練的跑酷課程?

Why Choose Coach Sipko’s Parkour Classes?

1. 豐富的經驗和知識

Proven Experience and Knowledge

Sipko 擁有豐富的運動教練背景,擁有超過十年的教學經驗,不僅指導學生掌握跑酷的基本動作,還協助他們發展出獨特的動作風格。他啟發無數學生突破自我、學習新技能並體驗運動的自由,讓學生在追求運動極限的過程中感受到身體和心靈的成長。Sipko 的教學風格激勵人心且富有紀律,對每位學生都給予充分的重視與支持,並根據他們的需求調整訓練內容,確保每個學員都能在安全的環境中穩步提升。他致力於讓每位學生在鼓勵中進步,不僅掌握技巧,更建立自信與堅定的心態,使他們能夠在面對挑戰時更勇敢地向前邁進。

With a strong background in sports coaching, Sipko has trained and inspired countless students to push past their limits, develop new skills, and embrace the freedom of movement. His coaching style is motivational, disciplined, and tailored to ensure you feel encouraged, engaged, and constantly improving.

Sipko 的教學風格激勵人心且富有紀律

2. 為各層次量身打造的個性化訓練

Personalized Training for Every Level

每堂課程都根據您的需求和目標精心設計,Sipko 教練深知每位學員的成長路徑和學習步伐皆不同,因此他致力於打造專屬於您的訓練計畫。不論您是剛入門的初學者還是具備一定基礎的進階學員,都能在 Sipko 的課堂中找到適合自己成長的挑戰。從學習基礎技巧如著地、翻越、滾動等,到進階動作的熟練運用和流暢銜接,每節課都為您打下穩固的技能基礎,同時逐步提升難度。在 Sipko 的支持和鼓勵下,您能夠安全而自信地突破自我,不僅在技術上有所精進,更在心理上成長,養成面對挑戰的積極心態。

Sipko tailors each session to fit your unique needs and goals. From learning the basics to mastering advanced parkour moves, every class is designed to challenge and uplift you. With Sipko, every student feels seen, supported, and motivated to grow at their own pace.

在 Sipko 的支持和鼓勵下,您能夠安全而自信地突破自我,不僅在技術上有所精進,更在心理上成長,養成面對挑戰的積極心態。

3. 充滿支持和熱情的社群氛圍

An Inviting, Community-Oriented Atmosphere

加入 Sipko 的課程即意味著成為一個充滿支持、友愛和熱情的跑酷社群的一員。在這裡,每位學員都能找到共同熱愛跑酷的夥伴,一起激勵彼此、分享進步與挑戰,並且互相鼓勵。在這個社群中,訓練不僅僅是學習技巧,更是一種生活態度——我們一起建立韌性,學習如何突破自我,面對挑戰,並享受運動帶來的自由和快樂。這裡的每個人都是您的支持者,Sipko 教練和社群夥伴們一起見證並分享您的成長之路。這不僅僅是一堂課程,更是讓您融入一個充滿活力的大家庭,共同擁抱跑酷的冒險與挑戰。

Joining Sipko’s classes means becoming part of a supportive, passionate community that shares a love for parkour. Here, training isn’t just about mastering moves; it’s about building resilience, embracing challenges, and enjoying movement together.

Sipko 教練和社群夥伴們一起見證並分享您的成長之路。


What You’ll Learn

在 Sipko 的跑酷課程中,學習不僅僅是動作的鍛煉,更是建立堅實基礎、突破新高度,並養成一種能應對跑酷與生活挑戰的積極心態。Sipko 深知跑酷是一門需要全身心投入的運動,因此他精心設計每一堂課程,確保學員在安全支持的環境中循序漸進地成長。無論是從基本技巧到高階動作的進階,還是從小小的突破中逐漸建立自信,Sipko 都在每個步驟中給予專業指導和鼓勵。

在他的課堂上,您將不僅僅學會如何移動,還會學習如何克服內心的恐懼,增強毅力,並學會以冷靜自信的姿態應對挑戰。Sipko 的教學強調穩定和安全,他將跑酷的每一步驟分解得清晰易懂,並以豐富的經驗和耐心引導您掌握重要技巧,培養心理韌性。Sipko 的課程能讓您不僅在動作上進步,更能在心態上轉變,從而以自信而穩健的方式進行跑酷,無論是在跑酷場地內,還是在日常生活中,您都能感受到跑酷帶來的勇氣和成就感。

In Sipko’s parkour classes, learning goes beyond just movement—it’s about building a solid foundation, achieving new heights, and adopting a mindset that helps you tackle challenges in both parkour and life. Each session is carefully designed to equip you with essential skills while fostering growth in a safe, supportive environment. With Sipko’s guidance, you’ll master key techniques, develop mental resilience, and learn to move with confidence and control.

在 Sipko 的跑酷課程中,您將學會:

In Sipko’s parkour classes, you’ll develop:


Foundational Techniques:


Start with basics like landing, vaulting, and rolling, ensuring safety and control from day one.


Advanced Movements:


Progress into jumps, flips, and more advanced skills as you gain confidence.


Mindset & Motivation:


Build resilience, confidence, and a strong mental focus, essential for parkour and life.


Safety-First Approach:


Every session emphasizes safe practices and injury prevention, so you can train with confidence.

在 Sipko 的跑酷課程中


Join Our Parkour Classes in Taichung City and Beyond

如果您在台中或附近地區,現在就是與經驗豐富的教練一起開始跑酷旅程的最佳時機!Sipko 教練的課程適合各個年齡和技術水平,透過運動和個人成長帶來積極的改變。今天就與信任的教練一起展開冒險吧。

If you’re in Taichung or nearby, now is the time to start your parkour journey with an experienced coach! Coach Sipko’s classes are designed for all ages and skill levels, helping you make a positive change through movement and personal growth. Start your adventure today with a coach you can trust.

立即加我們為 LINE 好友,瞭解課程時間及如何加入!

Add us as a friend on LINE to learn more about class schedules and how to join!



Sipko 教練擁有國際跑酷認證 ADAPT Lv.1,並在運動教學領域累積了超過十年的豐富經驗。他不僅精通跑酷,也涉足滑板、走繩等多項運動,並在台灣累積了八年以上的跑酷教學經驗。他的教學方式以安全性為核心,注重學生的個人成長和技能提升,讓每位學員都能在舒適的環境中穩步進步。Sipko 教練不僅是一位運動專家,更是影音多媒體創作者,透過多角度的創意視野,為學員提供獨特而全面的學習體驗。他的豐富資歷和多元背景,使他成為學生心目中值得信賴的指導者。

Coach Sipko holds the internationally recognized ADAPT Lv.1 parkour certification and brings over ten years of extensive experience in sports coaching. Beyond parkour, he is skilled in other disciplines such as skateboarding and slacklining, and has accumulated more than eight years of parkour coaching experience in Taiwan. His teaching approach prioritizes safety, focusing on each student’s personal growth and skill development, ensuring that everyone progresses steadily in a supportive environment. In addition to his expertise in movement, Sipko is a multimedia creator, bringing a creative perspective that offers students a unique and comprehensive learning experience. His diverse background and rich qualifications make him a trusted mentor and guide for all his students.

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